Sooooo here it goes. Tomorrow the month of November starts and I am getting ready to grow a mustache in the name of prostate cancer.

For me the month of November will be the month of Movember (MOustache + nOVEMBER). As many of you may know I used to work in cancer research and I have seen first hand how terrible cancer is and how important research is under funded.

I am donating my face to raising awareness. Hopefully all of you can help me raise some cash. If you feel like donating follow the link and donate to “Flashin Stache, Raisin Cash” or me “Douglas Fairbanks”.

For fun I will be taking a daily photo of my new stache. I will try to capture the fun and adventures my new stache and I will embark on.

Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where the MOney goes - Day 3

This is a pretty basic but good explanation of how the cancer research process works.  At the end of the day its important to know where your money goes.

Thanks for your support.  Special thanks to my buddy Bill for his donation.  Every contribution helps and its encouraging to see the donations so early in the month.

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