Sooooo here it goes. Tomorrow the month of November starts and I am getting ready to grow a mustache in the name of prostate cancer.

For me the month of November will be the month of Movember (MOustache + nOVEMBER). As many of you may know I used to work in cancer research and I have seen first hand how terrible cancer is and how important research is under funded.

I am donating my face to raising awareness. Hopefully all of you can help me raise some cash. If you feel like donating follow the link and donate to “Flashin Stache, Raisin Cash” or me “Douglas Fairbanks”.

For fun I will be taking a daily photo of my new stache. I will try to capture the fun and adventures my new stache and I will embark on.

Thank you for your support.

Monday, November 29, 2010

MOvember Fights Prostate Cancer - Day 29

It has been a long and embarrassing month.  I fought the crap out of prostate and testicular cancer.  We went to blows day in and day out.

I wish I could say that I'm going to miss El Moustacho but I am actually glad to see him go.

Here is a good video of some other guys who fought prostate cancer this month.  It is a really inspiring video.

Please help me out with these last 2 days.  Donations can be made thru the link to the right.  Thanks again to all those who supported me through the month.

MO Science Sundays - Day 28

Here are the facts about Prostate cancer.

National Cancer Institute

Prostate Cancer Foundation

Health Line

Prostate cancer is one of the most controversial cancers in both diagnosis and treatment.

This is the second most common cancer that affect men after lung cancer

The risk of developing prostate cancer increases after the age of 50 years.  Majority of prostate cancer are diagnosed in men over 65 years.

There are over 2 million American men currently living with prostate cancer.

Charles B. Huggins in 1941 was awarded a Nobel prize for understanding that prostate cancer was dependent on testosterone for its growth and spread and this could be reversed by giving estrogens, the so called ‘Chemical Castration’.

Prostate Specific Antigen- a marker to diagnose prostate cancer was first used in forensic investigation to determine if a stain on the undergarment was due to semen or not.

The use of ‘robotics in surgery’ is most commonly deployed for removing a malignant prostate cancer from the pelvis.

Prostate cancer is a relatively slow-growing cancer.  For all stages of the cancer the average 5-year survival rate is 98% and the 10-year survival rate is 84%. Remember - Most people die with this cancer and not of it.

Sorry this was kind of boring but I want raising awareness is an important.  There is only a couple of days left.  Please help me in these last days they are panning out be the toughest.  Please donate thru the link to the right.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Political MOs - Day 27

Lets do this!  Here are some funny videos about MOs.  Look out for MO science Sunday tomorrow.  Also help me push hard to the end of the month.

Testicular and Prostate cancer is serious and your donations make a difference. Donations can be made thru the link to the right.

Friday, November 26, 2010

MO Mania - Day 26

Here is a bunch of great MOs.

Just doing it for charity.  Donate to the MO and save a life thru the link to the right.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

MO Turkey MO Thanks - Day 25

Tur-key day, tur-key day, tur-KEY DAY, TUR-KEEEEY DAY

Yep turkey with a MO!

It's the day to be grateful and there is a lot to be grateful for.  Today I received two big donations and I wanted to first thank my Mom for her generous donation.  She has personally raised countless dollars over the years and participated in several 3 day 60 mile breast cancer walks.  She struggles with seeing her "baby boy" with a grown man moustache but it is what it is.

I also want to thank my buddy Ryan who has been supporting the blog since day one and despite me making a mistake with the comments early he stuck by the cause.  Thank you Ryan. 

It's a good day to look back and think about all things you are grateful for.  Special thanks to all of you for being aware of cancer and helping to do something about it.  Please help me finish the month strong by making a donation to the right.

MO video fun - Day 24

Here is a cool video with Moustaches.  Hope you enjoy.  There are only a couple days left in the month.

Thank you all for the donations.  If you were thinking about donating it's not too late.  Donations can be made thru the link to the right.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

MO Music - Day 23

IT was bound to happened here are some MO songs.

My favorite wouldn't allow me to embed it so click here it's pretty great.

I hope you enjoyed these. As always donations to benefit prostate and testicular cancer awareness can be made thru the link to the right. I also wanted to thank my roommate Adam for pitching in to the cause, thanks buddy.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mo Styles - Day 22

Check out all these Mo styles.  The last one isn't technically a Mo but it is by far my favorite.

Hahaha the Desert Island Sunset is true facial hair luxury. 

There are only days left in the month and the donations are greatly appreciated.  Special thanks to my buddy Zach for his recent donation.  Thanks you all.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

MO Science Sundays - Day 21

Here is a closer look at what happens on a cellular level.  Previously we talked about how cancer is uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.  Here is a video that depicts that cellular growth.

Here is a video specifically focused on prostate cancer.

The month is winding down and unfortunately so have the donations.  I realize that not everyone has been effected by cancer but it is likely you know someone who has.  The donations contribute to research that could save the life of someone you care about.  Thank you for the support.

MO art MO class - Day 20

One of the official slogans of Movember is "Every man deserves to grow a little bit of Luxury".  I like to think that solicitation and luxury are synonymous.  So here is some MO art.

Movember presents some of the hidden gems from the street, with of course, a moustache theme. Take a look.

Thank you for the support.  The month is winding down and I appreciate every donation regardless of size.  They can be made thru the link to the right.

Grow a MO and LIVESTRONG - Day 19

One of the organizations that benefits from the funds raised by Movember is LIVESTRONG.  LIVESTONG is an organization with a plan and direction.  They know how and where to make an impact on the fight against cancer.

Here is a short video on the Movember funds for LIVESTRONG.

With only days left I am asking those of you who have waited to step up and make a donation thru the link to the right.  Any amount makes a difference.  Thank you in advance.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

MO Family - Day 18

As Movember creeps on so does the donations.  I am very fortunate to have received several donation from my family.  The latest came from my beautiful god Daughter Annie and her parents.

Family is important so here are some good MO pictures of my family and I.  For the record this moustache joke has been going on for years and these are just a couple of the pictures.


As a reminder hundreds of thousands of men are diagnosed each year with prostate and testicular cancer.    The donation you make could end up saving the life of someone you care about.  Donations can be made thru the link to the right.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

MO Burgundy - Day 17

A moustache role model.  Watch Mr. Burgundy conduct himself as a true MO man.

This is probably why people think what they do about staches but this clip is pretty funny.

Please support prostate and testicular cancer by making a donation to the right.  Thank you.

El MOustacho rants on - Day 16

“There is no question that I am in charge of this face.  I am the first thing people notice and the only thing on their minds when I leave. 

My only time out of the spot light is when Doug wears a mask.  During those times I enact my revenge.  I poke and scratch.

They say great men wear moustaches.  It is my personal experience that isn’t always the situation.  Sometimes below average men wear moustaches too.

I will continue to do what I can to make this face great and you all keep doing what you do to make me great.  By that I mean MAKE DONATIONS.”

Yours Truly
-El MOustacho

Monday, November 15, 2010

It takes a MO to make a Man - Day 15

El Moustacho had a great post for today but while getting ready to upload it I was looking thru the progress photos and todays shot was similar to the first of the month.  

I thought it would be interesting to see the two shots side by side. 

I am getting a lot of looks at work and having a lot of interesting conversations.  I see subtle changes but there is a dramatic change for those who haven't seen me.  Maybe you can use my adventure as a way to have conversations about prostate and testicular cancer with those around you.

I mentioned TD2 in yesterdays post and I want to thank Carol my former co-worker for contributing.  Thank you for all your support.  As always, I really appreciate the donations that are made thru the link on the right.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

MO Science Sunday - Day 14

Here is a video that talks about the causes and risk factors associated with prostate cancer.  If any type of cancer runs in your family it is important to be aware and actively be screened for that and other types of cancer.

This video also discusses one type of treatment called Cryoablation.  In this minimally invasive procedure the abnormal cells are frozen and killed from within. 

The second video today is kind of a bonus and can be seen by clicking here.  I used to work at an organization called Translational Drug Development or TD2.  There I worked with a doctor Daniel Von Hoff.  Dr. Von Hoff has conducted more clinical cancer trials with investigational drugs then any other clinical investigator. 

Dr. Von Hoff is on the forefront of humanities battle against cancer and deserves every bit of acknowledgment.  It is important for me to point out the work he and the other great people at TD2 are doing. 

Thank you and as always the donations are greatly appreciated and can be made thru the link on the right.

MO money MO problems - Day 13

Great things happened this week.  I passed a quarter of my goal.  Unfortunately, I am closing in on the month being half over. 

IF you were waiting to see if I would stick to it or how much of a moustache I could grow… well take a look it’s pretty full blown. 

Here’s some more fun photos.

As always you can donate thru the link to the right.  Thanks for the support.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Need Mo Friday – Day 12

Its Friday and its time to party.  I had a long week of raising awareness and now its time to have some fun.  Check out this bunch of MObros.  

Yep thats my dad in the middle and I am hunting down a picture of the moustache he wore for years.  The reason Frank is highlighted today is because he made an awesome donation to Movember yesterday and I wanted to thank him.  He is no stranger to giving and has actually walked several of the 60 mile 3 day breast cancer walks, accompanying my mom.

Thank you for the support.  As usual donations can be made to the right.  

Thursday, November 11, 2010

MObros – Day 11

Definition of MObro:  A friend (or brother) which is a male that either has a moustache or is supportive of moustaches.

Today I spent time working at St. John’s Hospital in Santa Monica.  There I ran into a handful of MObros.  Other Doctors and Reps that were doing their part to support this great cause. 

I also have to point out the fact that all the donations so far have been from MObros.  My MObros have recognized the importance of raising money to treat prostate and testicular cancer.

I couldn’t leave you without some fun stuff.

An angry mob is walking along the street. Someone yells, "Hey, let's hang that guy with a moustache!"

Someone else yells, "Nah, let's use a rope!"

I think its time some of you MOsistas get on-board.  I could really use the support.  As always you can donate thru the link to the right.  Thanks and have a great day.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

From the desk of El MOustacho - Day 10

“Well today was a nice day.  I woke up today stronger and more magnificent then ever.  Parts of me, previously unknown, are filling in and it is a very exciting time in my life.

I went on a ride along at work today, as I do most days.  The good news is I’m getting much more attention then ever.  I am clearly the new guy in town and people are unsure of me. 

The best news of all is I am no longer afraid of the razor.  It hasn’t come near me in days.  I am owning this face and it looks like there is no end in sight.”

Yours Creepily,
-El Moustacho

Special thanks to my good buddy Ryan for the donation.  I put a lot of work into this and its cool when people donate to the cause.  As always you can donate thru the link to the right. 

Oh and because photos are cool here is one for today.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

MO videos - Day 9

People really liked the first family guy video so here is another.

I actually am getting some really interesting reactions.  Everything from people laughing to others being really upset that I have one.

All I can say is that its for a great cause.  Testicular and Prostate cancer is deserves some attention.  Please donate thru the link to the right.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ask me about my MO - Day 8

MO stands for Monday and on Mondays we work. 

Dr. Orton said "Doug, I like your stache but I wouldn't trust you around my children." HAHA,  raising awareness is not easy.  My buddy Andrew joined in this weekend and was met with mixed reactions today "I'm getting a lot of questionable looks with my mustache now... Not sure how much longer I can hold out".  

I think its great.  If our MOs didn't stand out we wouldn't have the opportunity to have the important conversations about our cause.  Testicular and prostate cancer is a one of the most serious cancers effecting adult males but do to its private nature it is know well supported.

The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 217,370 new cases of prostate cancer in 2010 and 32,050 deaths from prostate cancer.  

Please take a couple of minutes and donate a couple of dollars to help a cause that maybe effecting someone closer to you then you realize.  Donation link to the right.  Thank you.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

MO Science – Day 7

It’s possible that my greatest responsibility in participating in Movember is to raise awareness about cancer.  Although my appearance is laughable and I hope the blog has been entertaining I would like to do my part to help educate about cancer.

Over the last couple of days I have had many conversations about what I’m doing and surprisingly enough about cancer in general.  I am not scientist but here are some basics about cancer.

Cancer covers a group of diseases where abnormal cells undergo uncontrolled growth.  It can be caused my external or internal factors.  External factors include chemicals, tobacco, infectious organisms and radiation.  Internal factors include congenital mutations, metabolic mutations and immune conditions to name a couple.  Cancer is treated a number of ways: surgery, chemotherapy, biologic therapy, hormone therapy and targeted therapy. 

Cancer is indiscriminate.  It effects all ages, genders and ethnicities.  Although it is more common in individuals over 55 years of age, which represents 78% of all diagnosed.

Thank you for your continued support and as always you can donate thru the link to the right.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

MO fun - Day 6

If I'm going to do this I'm going to do it as ridiculously as possible.  Here are some more aggressive MOs.  Let me know what you think.  Cast your vote.

Please Donate to the cause.  
Andrew grew his MO for two days and blew mine out of the water.

Friday, November 5, 2010

MO History- Day 5

MO history. We have to assume that people have been doing this to their faces since shaving was invented.

The popularity, of course, has been unwavering.  It is a widely accepted scientific fact that guys with mustaches are more appealing to the female sex. In addition to being more desirable it is speculated that a mustache increases your intelligence and authority much like fish oil.

Here is a look at one of the earliest recorded MOs.

Shaving with stone razors was technologically possible from Neolithic times but the oldest portrait showing a shaved man with a moustache is an ancient Iranian (Scythian) horseman from 300 BC.

Please take some time and donate a couple of bucks.  The donations keep me encouraged as I try to really make a difference.  Donation link is located to the right.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

MO fun - Day 4

Having a MO will change you or it will at least change people's perception of you, as I am beginning to realize.

Here is a funny Family Guy clip.  Same old Doug but a little different perception.  Donate thru the link to the right.  Thanks for your support.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where the MOney goes - Day 3

This is a pretty basic but good explanation of how the cancer research process works.  At the end of the day its important to know where your money goes.

Thanks for your support.  Special thanks to my buddy Bill for his donation.  Every contribution helps and its encouraging to see the donations so early in the month.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

MO Style - Day 2

Well I guess I have a SLO MO. 

I have really been focusing my energy on GROwing an impressive MO but progress has been SLOw.  This is fine with me because I don’t really KNOw what kind of MO will be best suited for me and my cause.  Look at the different types of MO below and cast your VOte for your favorite style.

Thank you to all of you who are checking out the blog and thank you to my brother Tim and his family for the generous donation.

Monday, November 1, 2010

New Mo - Day 1

Day one of my Mo (Mustache).  It appears that I have amassed a certain level of prestige over night. 

All kidding aside it was an exciting first day with my new little buddy.  We started our day like I start most of my days.  We went directly to the hospital.  Although my little Mo was in its infancy it was the source of some interesting conversation. 

I quickly realized the seriousness of what I was undertaking.  How was I going to care for it?  Not to mention the impact it would have on my social life as Dr. Peters pointed out.   He was right.  I am pretty young to be bringing this little guy up all on my own and I’m not sure girls my age will understand my circumstances. 

However, I will not be discouraged.  Instead I would like to build a team, get some Mo Bros to pursue greatness with me.  I am actively looking for teammates.  Maybe you are afraid because you don’t think you have what it takes to GROW a proper MO.  Maybe you are afraid of what people will think.  Well you are right, people will likely think you’re a weirdo and wonder why you have that on your face.  I think you should try anyway.

I want to welcome Mark Perzi, a buddy of mine from college, to the team.  In today’s photo my friend rocks a MO years AGO.  I would like to extend an invitation to Joel Christian to bring it back and get onboard, this time with purpose!

Thanks for the support.

Sunday, October 31, 2010